IIOC is a nonprofit organization and mosque dedicated to serving the Muslim and greater communities of Orange County in Southern California since 1990.
IIOC provides a full-time Islamic School, a mosque and prayer space, weekly classes and programming for seniors, adults, youth, and children, a social and communal space, food and diaper drives for the local underserved community, and a source of Islamic knowledge for new Muslims and people of other faiths.
To continue serving the community and future generations to come, it is imperative to support IIOC and strengthen the foundation of this Islamic institution serving thousands of people year-round.
IIOC is continuously finding ways of improving the institution internally and for local mosque attendees. In 2021, IIOC employed several new staff members, including hiring its Inaugural Executive Director.
We hope to continue to serve the needs of our community, listen and respond to feedback and suggestions, and to regularly provide services and programming catering to all of our members.
We truly value your support and are grateful to expand and improve IIOC through your generosity. If you have any suggestions or feedback, we would love to hear it. Please fill out the suggestion form on our homepage.
Federal Tax ID Number is 33-0469852.
Since gifts to IIOC can vary, we encourage you to choose the option that works best for you and your loved ones.
Below are the types of gifts that can be made to IIOC. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
General (Unrestricted)
General donations support the mosque operations, utilities, programming, events, classes, building improvements, and everything in between. This is the most helpful option of support so that the masjid is able to allocate the funds to what is needed most.
Zakat (Restricted)
Zakat funding supports zakat-eligible expenses, programming, and families. IIOC additionally works in partnership with Uplift Charity and ICNA Relief to help disburse the funding to local families in need.
Make a Gift in Honor of Someone
Honor someone you love, respect, or would like to celebrate with a gift to IIOC. What better way to honor someone than make a gift to support education, dawah, Qur'an, incarcerated Muslims, and programming serving the greater community? We will inform the recipient of the gift you made in honor of them.
Make a Gift in Memory of Someone
Make a gift in memory of a loved one or friend who passed away. This gift will insha'allah support them in the akhirah, one of the best ways in Islam to commemorate someone who passed away. We will inform the family of the person who passed away of the gift you made in memory of their loved one.
Stock Gift
If you have stocks that have increased in value and are highly appreciated, we recommend making a gift of stock to IIOC.By eliminating the capital gains tax that would be due upon selling the stock, you receive tangible tax-savings and benefits while also supporting IIOC. Another benefit is maximizing your deduction without affecting your liquidity and cash assets.
If you are interested in making a stock donation, please click the button below.
Matching Gift
DOUBLE your impact! Do you work at a big corporation? Chances are, your company may have a matching gift program. Reach out to your HR department and ask if they provide matching gifts for non-profit giving. Your gift of $50 can be doubled by your company, making your gift $100 in support of IIOC!
Planned Giving
In Islam, the concept of securing our akhirah is one of the core elements of our faith. You can designate IIOC as a recipient/beneficiary in your will to receive a percentage of your funds, estate, or trust when you pass away. Please consult with your financial advisor or attorney to make this update. Please inform us if you do choose to designate IIOC in your will.
Federal Tax ID Number is 33-0469852
We would like to thank you for your generosity and support. We value our community's commitment to making a difference at IIOC. Our work would not be possible without the collective support of our community.
To make a special gift, or for other inquiries, please contact Director of Operations, Issa Edah-Tally at iedahtally@iioc.com.
Federal Tax ID Number is 33-0469852.